Ex Nihilo Health

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ENH 012: Shedding fat fast with only 20 minutes a day, minimalist Kettlebell training and avoiding bad form in the gym with Pat Flynn

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To get strong and lose weight many people think you have to be in the gym for a few hours a day like a bodybuilder. Today in the show we learn that that just isn'tt the case. You can get strong, lose fat and feel amazing with something called minimalist training. Minimalist training is the idea of doing the least amount possible for the greatest amount of results. Our guest Pat Flynn breaks down how to get the most bang for your buck in your workouts. He also tells us what common mistakes rookies are making in the gym and what sorts of foods to eat while living the minimalist lifestyle.

Guest Bio

Pat Flynn is a fitness minimalist and believes any exercise program will improve in direct ratio to the number of things you can leave out of it that shouldn’t be there.

He is the founder of The Chronicles of Strength and chief contributor to the Chronicles Of Strength Inner Circle - a monthly newsletter dedicated to helping you reach your goals through fitness minimalism (or doing the least amount of exercise needed to get the job done).

Pat is also the author of Paleo Workouts for Dummies and Fast Diets for Dummies.

Show Notes

Chronicles of Strength: http://www.chroniclesofstrength.com/

Chronicles of Strength inner circle: http://www.chroniclesofstrength.com/inner-circle/

Pat Flynn Twitter: https://twitter.com/patflynncos

How to do a kettlebell clean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzxBE3yKWX4

300 Swings a day: http://breakingmuscle.com/kettlebells/300-swings-a-day-for-faster-fat-loss


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ENH 012: Shedding fat fast with only 20 minutes a day + minimalist Kettlebell training w/ Pat Flynn Eddie Williams