ENP 13 | Chronic Stress, Anxiety and the American Lifestyle + How to Hack Stress Today

Society is undergoing a massive overhaul in how we work and how we communicate. This has led to a society that is more stressed out and more anxious than it ever has been. This Podcast explores why stress and anxiety were not in God’s plans for humanity. It also provides a blueprint for a spiritual re-ordering of ourselves and some practical how-to’s for stress relief.



Article from APA on Holiday Stress: https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2023/11/holiday-season-stress

Rhodiola Rosea Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5370380/

Neuro Calm: https://amzn.to/488S9Hm

True Calm: https://amzn.to/47dMiPw

MindBlend: https://amzn.to/41BOKhy

The Healthy Believer Blueprint Course: https://healthy-believer-blueprint.teachable.com/p/hbb

the FREE Quick Start Guide to Health: http://www.exnihilohealth.com/get-the-ex-nihilo-quick-start-guide-to-health/

Subscribe to Ex Nihilo Health: https://www.youtube.com/c/exnihilohealth?sub_confirmation=1

Ex Nihilo Health Website http://exnihilohealth.com

Follow Eddie on Instagram http://instagram.com/realewilliams


ENP 14 | How Laziness Makes You Weak, Wrecks Your Spirituality and Your Health


ENP 12 | Desk jobs, commuting and escaping the sedentary lifestyle like Jesus