How to Form a Healthy Habit


You know what they say, “The chains of habit are to weak to be felt until they’re too strong to be broken.“

That means if you aren’t looking to form good habits, you’ll form negative ones without knowing it and they can enslave you. Not Good.

Here are a few tips to form a habit:

1. Just Do it

Nike’s tagline is right. You are going to have to decide on 1 or 2 actionable steps and just begin to implement them. Harvard Psychologist Jerome Brunner Says, “You’re more likely to act yourself into feeling than you are feel yourself into action.”

What does that mean? Motivation isn’t going to strike you like lightening. And if you are motivated, Motivation is a finite resource. It will run out! So take the first step and be intentional.

My biggest habit change this year was dialing in my morning routine. I lay that out in great detail here.

2. Be honest about where you are

Perhaps the most important trait you can have for self-improvement is Self awareness. You’ve got to be honest about yourself if you want to begin a habit. If you tell yourself you are better than you are, you wont create the right habit for yourself. John Maxwell says, ““If you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, you have to start by becoming aware of the choices that lead you away from your desired destination. ”

Jim Collins talks about this in his awesome book Good to Great. He says that in order for an organization to change from Good to Great, it has to be honest about the brutal facts. It has to acknowledge the failures and the successes or it can never grow properly.

3. Set small daily steps

Everyone wants a different future, but they don’t want to take the first step so they remain bound. You can’t just manufacture your future. Your have to plan it out and take a few steps daily to get there. People don’t decide their future. They decide their habits and their habits decide their future.

I know what you might be thinking: “Yeah Yeah Eddie. I know I need to do this. What else?” Ok, You know you should set small steps, but are you ACTUALLY doing it? It’s not about what you know, it’s about what you do!

If you’re looking to improve your health, I have 25 steps you can implement today that you should look at.

 4. Enjoy the process of personal growth

Personal growth and development is a life long process. Don’t try to build Rome in a day. Enjoy getting slightly better every day and taking a small step here and there. You’ll soon realize just how quick those steps add up. So enjoy the process. I


3 Health and Fitness books to read this year


How to detox after you drink alcohol, get sick or eat like garbage