The Ex Nihilo Blog
Your Spiritual funk may be caused by your diet
I think some people are under the assumption that our bodies don’t have much to do with our spirituality. They’d be wrong…
How to have the MINDSET you need to become the healthiest version of YOU
think you clicked on this blog because you saw that it talks about giving you the proper mindset to getting healthy and reaching your goals. Based on the title you surmised the article would help you begin a process towards good health and wellness. If you are reading this you are on the right track.
How to build the morning routine that is right for YOU
Many of the top CEOs, business leaders, and ministry leaders around the world are building the perfect morning routine for themselves. It's really important. If successful people are claiming their routines lead to their success, then why not copy them? Why can't we share in that success?
Are you still taking a multi-vitamin? Stop.
Ah yes. I remember like it was yesterday. My 15-year-old self would surf back in 2002 and purchase whatever they told me to.
Get the Ex Nihilo Quick Start Guide to Health
Most people want to start, they just don't know how. That's why I put together this quick start guide for the seekers out there who want to know where to begin their journey to overall health.
Christians are overcorrecting the Hustle Market
There is an over-correction in the Hustle Market and Christians are leading the charge. We are in the process of attempting to ruthlessly eliminate hurry, and to send Hustle to hell for good. We hear buzzwords like “hustle” and “grind” all over the place, since people in business and entrepreneurship are using them for external and internal motivation to stoke their fires to get more done.
The 3 best pairs of workout shoes to buy now in 2020
I've tried them all. Nike. Under Armor. Adidas. Reebok. Saucony. New Balance.
5 reasons Christians should care more about their health
We've lived in it so long it's normal. We don't notice it any longer, either on our neighbors or on ourselves. The problem moves so slow that we hardly notice it, and, like a frog boiling in a pot, it's killing us and we don't even know it. Of course, I'm talking about the state of our health in America.
Should a Christian leader use smart drugs (nootropics)?
There is a fair amount of buzz coming from the biohacking movement the last year or so. The one that caught my eye is this idea of smart drugs. Since the movie Limitless came out back in 2011, there has been a small faction of people scouring the earth to see if there is anything out there like the pill Bradley Cooper was taking in that movie.
5 Natural Supplements EVERYONE should take
I don't recommend multi-vitamins because everyone is different. But there are a few supplements I recommend to just about everyone.
Your Burger isn't the same as that Burger
This "It's Just food" attitude towards junk food is the very reason for many of our common health diseases in the western world.
Why you should add Bulletproof Coffee to your morning Bible reading
Enter Bulletproof coffee. Have you ever seen the movie Limitless? That's why I've decided to combine the coffee with my morning bible reading
How to Plan to Reach Your Specific Goals
Using Goodreads to Track Your Reading
As part of my goal, I’ve decided to write a short review for each book on the Goodreads site. Some of those reviews I post on my blog site here for people to check out.
Recipe: Bulletproof Smashed Sweet Potatoes
My smashed sweet potatoes are a game-changer. While they are Bulletproof and are packed with good saturated fats, they are incredibly delicious.
How I lost 30 lbs in 70 days and didn't even notice
It's one thing to gain weight and not notice. I think 90% of us have done that at one point or another. It's a whole different idea to drop weight without making any difficult or drastic changes to diet or exercise.
Where is the Line Between Health and Vanity?
25 small Steps to Take That Will Lead to BIG changes in your Health
The following 25 steps are only small changes, but as you begin to implement them one at a time, the effects begin to compound, leaving you with an amazing healthy body and mind.
How to get a great workout in 15-20 minutes without leaving where you are
Next time your snowed in your home or only have a few minutes in a hotel, bust out this quick workout instead of getting cozy on the couch with a bowl of Ice Cream.
Recipe: Sweet Bacon Ice Cream
Enjoy this classic clash of sweet and salty. You’re welcome