Should a Christian leader use smart drugs (nootropics)?
There is a fair amount of buzz coming from the biohacking movement the last year or so. The one that caught my eye is this idea of smart drugs. Since the movie Limitless came out back in 2011, there has been a small faction of people scouring the earth to see if there is anything out there like the pill Bradley Cooper was taking in that movie.
Well we have discovered something close.
In order for a Pastor to decide if Smart Drugs make sense for them, they'll need to answer these questions:
What is a "Smart Drug?"
A Smart Drug is a nickname for a class of compounds called nootropics. These compounds enhance memory, thinking and overall cognition. There are natural and non-natural nootropics and for the sake of this blog, we're focusing on natural compounds.
Many of these natural nootropics have been around since forever and have been used in eastern traditions. Substances like Ginkgo Balboa and Piracetam have been used throughout history. Recently, they've caught on in the west, but they are not a "new" compound pre se, by any stretch by the imagination.
What are the benefits for pastors?
Simply, smart drugs enhance your cognition and thinking, making you better able to concentrate, think clearer and work longer with better focus. This would be great for writing, sermon prep and even during messages/speeches. This means there is less stuttering during your message. You are able to communicate with better clarity and dive deeper into your brain for better insight.
This is also effective for one-on-one or group counseling situations where laser sharp focus enables you to better listen and recall memories to further along conversation.
Plain and simple: smart drugs have a noticeable and effective different on performance for pastors.
Are they safe?
For most natural nootropics, there are very little to no side effects. However there are different classes of smart drugs: Racetams, stimulants and adaptogens are among the classes and some have less use than others. For a more detailed breakdown of the classes check out this link.
Are you tempted to loop nootropics in the same class are narcotics, alcohol or pharmaceuticals? I wouldn't. There is no "high" or "drunk" effect. A better comparison is caffeine from coffee or tea.
Are they legal?
Yes and no. Many are perfectly legal and have documented research behind them, without question. Others, have decades of research behind them that deems them safe and yet they are illegal. Certain racetams are illegal and have years of evidence that they are safe.
Should I use "illegal" Nootropics?
I would say no. But what does your conscience permit? If you can legally obtain a safe nooptropic like Piracetam, but use it in a country that says it's illegal to buy, does that violate your conscience?
I think the bible talks about following our authority and whether we like it or not it is illegal by our authority's standard, and so my answer is to not partake. However, if you were to legally obtain a drug in Europe that is illegal in the U.S. and use it there, are you breaking the law? No. Then I think you can safely use it there and your conscience can be clear.
Is it Biblical?
I believe so. If you use all-natural smart drugs, derived from natural sources like proteins and plants it is biblical. In fact, I believe God has placed these compounds in nature for us to discover and use. I also believe using them helps us recover some of the function we lost when sin first entered the world in Genesis 3, which is the very foundation of the Ex Nihilo Health site.
Are we upholding what Paul said in Ephesians 5:18 about not being "drunk with wine" and "filled with the spirit"? I believe were are. As mentioned, there is no intoxication effect like there is with marijuana, alcohol or things like Vicodin/Oxycontin. The equivalent in my mind is like taking vitamin C and feeling less sick or drinking bone broth and feeling better. The better equivalent is caffeine. If you drink coffee, you shouldn't have any issue with legal, natural smart drugs.
What are some smart drugs pastors should try?
I would go with a legal, natural smart drug stack like Ciltep. Ciltep includes compounds like Acetyl L-Carnitine and Forskolin that enhance brain function among other things. I've used it several times, including before messages and can attest to it's effectiveness. It's safe, and it's a quality product. Another one to try is Dopamine. It contains the naturally occurring amino acids L-Phenylalanine & L-Tyrosine, which improve mood and alertness s well as some other vitamins that improve dopamine production.
Lastly, you can give something like Aniracetam (in the racetam family) a try. Like I mentioned earlier, it can be hard to obtain, so make sure you're doing so through legal means. Also, this is far and away more effective than the other two I mentioned, so start slow.
Anything else?
There is another way to enhance cognition through natural means.
One we mentioned already is caffeine. Many pastors already use this method. But it's worth mentioning that combining caffeine and smart drugs can have a compounding effect on brain function.
Another way is MCT Oil (Medium chain triglycerides). MCT Oil is derived from coconut oil and helps improve body and brain function. It also helps produce ketones, which are the brains preferred fuel source. If the brain's happy, you are happy.
So should pastors use Smart Drugs or not?
The answer is yes in my book. They are safe. They are legal (at least the ones i'd recommend). They aren't unbiblical. And they greatly help. What other questions need to be considered?