The Ex Nihilo Blog

Your Spiritual funk may be caused by your diet
I think some people are under the assumption that our bodies don’t have much to do with our spirituality. They’d be wrong…

How to have the MINDSET you need to become the healthiest version of YOU
think you clicked on this blog because you saw that it talks about giving you the proper mindset to getting healthy and reaching your goals. Based on the title you surmised the article would help you begin a process towards good health and wellness. If you are reading this you are on the right track.

How to build the morning routine that is right for YOU
Many of the top CEOs, business leaders, and ministry leaders around the world are building the perfect morning routine for themselves. It's really important. If successful people are claiming their routines lead to their success, then why not copy them? Why can't we share in that success?

Should a Christian leader use smart drugs (nootropics)?
There is a fair amount of buzz coming from the biohacking movement the last year or so. The one that caught my eye is this idea of smart drugs. Since the movie Limitless came out back in 2011, there has been a small faction of people scouring the earth to see if there is anything out there like the pill Bradley Cooper was taking in that movie.

Why you should add Bulletproof Coffee to your morning Bible reading
Enter Bulletproof coffee. Have you ever seen the movie Limitless? That's why I've decided to combine the coffee with my morning bible reading

Headshot: Why CTE might have just delivered a blow to the NFL
I’m legitimately afraid for NFL players.

3 Places the mind cannot find rest
Recharging our mental batteries is necessary for everyday performance and longevity. Every now and then we need to escape our day-to-day and get into something different to refresh us.