The Ex Nihilo Blog
These 4 supplements are slowly killing Athletes
No, no one is going to drop dead immediately from the below list. But over time these 4 supplements will prove detrimental to long term health.
7 Travel Hacks to feel amazing before and after traveling
There are some really easy things we can do to beat the dip in performance that comes with travel.
Portion control and calorie counting is NOT the answer to good health
"So if you want to lose weight, the main problem is self-control. We just can't stop eating. If you could just have a "little bit" of the donut or only one soda instead of two you can indulge and stay fit, right?
Headshot: Why CTE might have just delivered a blow to the NFL
I’m legitimately afraid for NFL players.
3 Places the mind cannot find rest
Recharging our mental batteries is necessary for everyday performance and longevity. Every now and then we need to escape our day-to-day and get into something different to refresh us.
Bone Broth: Don't throw your bones away
Bone Broth is an underrated Elixer we rarely utilize today
Hack your allergies and Asthma
Every spring, summer, and fall we battle the dreaded sneezing, clogged nose, and itchy eyes.
The Daniel Plan's 10 Day detox
Enter the Daniel Plan. Rick Warren, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Dr. Daniel Akin put together a fantastic all-around work regarding healthy living: physically, mentally, and spiritually.
3 Health and Fitness books to read this year
These are my favorite health and fitness books to read this year
How to Form a Healthy Habit
You know what they say, “The chains of habit are to weak to be felt until they’re too strong to be broken.“
How to detox after you drink alcohol, get sick or eat like garbage
Ex Nihilo is all about performing the way you were created to. We want to feel good, and perform at exceptionally high levels in everything. Plain and simple.
How to cook the perfect steak
How I used the Bulletproof diet to recover from the trauma of the NFL
What’s less studied is, how does a player recover from the Trauma of the NFL.