Ex Nihilo Health

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Using Goodreads to Track Your Reading

Many of you have given up on your New years resolution by now… New years resolution, you say? Isn’t it July? Yes, it is and mine is still going strong. Most of you (like me most years) have forgotten what your resolution even was.

This year I decided to read 30 books cover to cover. Now, before you gasp, i’m a big reader, but I have a tendency to jump around in my books without focus (which isn’t all that bad), but I was looking for a challenge to really absorb my reading. A buddy of mine partnered with me for accountability, and at the time of this blog, i’ve completed 19 of my 30 already, with many others nearing completion.

We decided to use Goodreads to track our reading thanks to their newer yearly reading challenge capability. You can set how many books you want to read, and as you mark them as complete, you will see a running percentage total toward your goal, as well as an estimate of how on track you are to reaching that goal. For instance, as of now i’m at 63% of my reading goal, and I am 4 books ahead of my 50 book pace for 2019. Pretty awesome.

As part of my goal, i’ve decided to write a short review for each book on the Goodreads site. Some of those reviews I post on my blog site here for people to check out.

Check out my Goodreads here and let me know what you think. Create an account and keep up with what i’m reading. Remember, leaders are readers and readers are leaders. If you want to grow as a person you have got to challenge your mind to expand. John Maxwell calls this the law of the lid. You are the lid holding down yourself from achieving more. If you want to get better at a job, relationship or hobby, you’ve got to grow as a person. Reading is one of the most effective ways to do that. So get reading and start growing!