ENP 39 | EMF's and Junk Light affect your health WAY MORE than you THINK w/ Tristan Scott

Most people don't think about environmental challenges to our health beyond the concept of "pollution."

But what about about Electromagnetic Fields? What about junk light? These crucial concepts are modern challenges to overcome.
500 years ago, artificial light and EMF's were not concerns, but today they're effecting us in ways we don't see.

Were we designed to absorb the amount of EMFs we are now? Were we designed to have our sleep disrupted with artificial cell phone light and LED bulbs?

On this episode we discuss:
- Affects of deregulated light rhythms on our health
- Light diet for Circadian Rhythm Screen addiction
- Optimal wind down routine for light
- Screen addiction and its negative effects

Tristan's BIO:
Tristan Scott is the Health/Marketing Lead at Daylight Computer Company. He is an expert in the electromagnetic aspects of our biology and educates around important topics such as light, EMFs, grounding, and an all-natural diet.

More from Tristan:
Tristan's IG: https://www.instagram.com/tristan_health/
Daylight Computer: https://daylightcomputer.com/


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ENP 40 | How Takeout Food and "Trash Meals" Rob us of God's Design for Cooking and Eating w/ Aarti Sequeira


ENP 38 | The Invisible Threats Making you weak Around your House + Tips to get Rid of Them w/ Taylor Dukes