ENH 014: (Pt. 1) How to Beat Burnout, Stress Less and Live More as a Leader with Josh Reich


Why Listen?

If you are a leader, whether a CEO, VP, Director, Pastor or Team Captain, this show is for you. The challenges of leadership are difficult but they get tougher when we include the dangers of stress, anxiety and burn out. Our Guest Josh Reich helps me explore the dangers of these things and offers some very deep and very practical ways we can avoid succumbing to long term stress and burn out. If you want to finish the race of life, this show will help you do that.

Guest Bio

Josh is the lead pastor of Revolution Church in Tuscon, Arizona. They are an Acts 29 church that has the hope of filling the city with the news that Jesus Christ is Lord. Josh is the author of Breathing Room: Stressing Less and Living More. He is also the creator of his blog, joshuareich.org, where he tackles lots of topics in ministry, health and life.


Show Notes

Josh Reich's Site: Joshuareich.org

Josh's Book: Breathing Room: Stressing Less and Living More

Josh's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joshuamreich/?ref=br_rs

Josh’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoshuaReich

Making of a Leader (Robert Clinton): https://www.amazon.com/Making-Leader-Recognizing-Leadership-Development/dp/1612910750/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475783250&sr=1-1&keywords=making+of+a+leader


ENH 015: (Pt. 2) How to Beat Burnout, Stress Less and Live More with Josh Reich


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