ENP 36 | The Dangers of Artificial Food Dyes, Pesticides and Why we're ALL at RISK
US Army Officer and Crunchy Athlete Kelsee Moore and I had a monumental conversation about the destruction of the United States food supply.
Glyphosate, Atrazine, artificial food coloring, and fake sugar have infiltrated schools and grocery stores and have caused widespread illness. Autism, ADD, ADHD and a myriad of Chronic Illnesses are making westerners sick across North America. Why? Listen to find out!
Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen: https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA9bq6BhAKEiwAH6bqoF-3LwX4NRbP_IkvhiZe1fVuOkN1guIBOLCsALFJWGjRUz29s6PdexoC6FsQAvD_BwE
Countdown book by Shawna Swan: https://www.shannaswan.com/countdown
KELSEE's BIO: Kelsee Moore is a full-time tactical strength and conditioning coach, US Army officer and self-acclaimed crunchy gal. Iām the creator of Crunchy Athlete which blends ancestral eating + living principles with classic strength training protocols. She is the host of HeyYo!, her Podcast of ancestral living.
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